Plane & Peel

Shed the dead skin cells and kick dullness to the curb with a monthly Plane and Peel.

Plane & Peel

Shed the dead skin cells and kick dullness to the curb with a monthly Plane and Peel.

What Is Plane & Peel and Is It Safe?

Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). It is extremely safe and the treatment is performed by using a specialized sterile surgical instrument.

Benefits of Plane & Peel

Dermaplaning is used to physically exfoliate the skin to get rid of unwanted “peach fuzz” and dead skin cells on your face, leaving the skin soft and smooth. When performed in conjunction with dermaplaning, a peel will penetrate into the skin deeper to enhance results. The peel helps with pore size, hyperpigmentation, and cell turnover. Many clients schedule this service monthly as part of their routine skincare maintenance.

Appointment Pricing

Treatment pricing - $150

Achieve Vibrant Looking Skin with Skinlab

We're happy to assist in finding the right treatment plan for you. Contact us today to get started.

Will it make the hair grow back thicker?

No. The soft, fine vellus hair will grow back slowly – usually in about 4 weeks and no different than it was previously.

How often can it be performed?

Dermaplaning can be done every 3-4 weeks. Treating the skin in this manner removes about 2 – 3 weeks’ worth of dead skin cells. You should always leave enough time between treatments to allow the skin to complete its normal skin cycle of approximately 30 days before repeating.

Can it be combined with a chemical peel?

Yes! You can combine a light chemical peel with dermaplane to enhance your results to help improve skin texture and lessen the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles to your skin. The results are subtle but with regular, repeated treatments your results will improve and be long-lasting.