Jaw Enhancement

Create a more defined jaw line and give the appearance of a slimmer neckline with hyaluronic acid filler. Consultations are recommended for pricing!

Jaw Enhancement

Create a more defined jaw line and give the appearance of a slimmer neckline with hyaluronic acid filler. Consultations are recommended for pricing!

What Are Jaw Enhancements?

Jaw enhancement is a non-surgical procedure that uses temporary fillers to improve the shape and definition of the jawline and jowls. By smoothing the contours of the jaw, it increases the definition in this area. If you feel that your jawline lacks definition or has begun to sag due to aging or weight loss, this may be a great treatment for you.

Benefits of Jaw Enhancements

Many patients who want the appearance of a sculpted jaw opt for dermal fillers over more invasive solutions. It’s a non-invasive procedure for those on the go who want to see quick, subtle, and natural-looking improvements to their jaw. Some of the benefits you can get from choosing jaw enhancement fillers over surgical solutions include:

  • No down time

  • Instant results

  • Natural results

From Soft to Striking

Jawline redefinition for a chiseled confidence boost

Appointment Pricing

Treatment pricing starts at $1,250

Achieve Confidence with Skinlab

We're happy to assist in finding the right treatment plan for you. Contact us today to get started.

What product is used?

Hyaluronic Acid filler with lidocaine to help with comfort.

How many syringes are needed?

The anatomy and bone structure of the patient can determine the amount needed for desired results. Typically, it is a process to build the jaw line, starting with 3-4 syringes per session with multiple sessions needed.

Will masseter botox/dysport help define my jawline?

No, typically we inject that muscle for teeth clenching and grinding and TMJ issues, it *could* possibly slim the jaw if that muscle is very bulky but can also cause laxity in the lower face if that muscle is over treated.

How much does Jaw enhancement cost?

Pricing starts at $1250 and goes up depending on the amount of product used.

Aftercare for jaw filler?

As always, you can expect bruising, soreness and some swelling. It takes about 10-14 days for the product to settle and heal.

What if I do not like how it changes my face shape?

We can dissolve the HA filler using a special injectable if you are not pleased with the results. This does come with additional cost.